Recently, an incident involving a pet cat that was found dead at a pet boarding facility in Singapore. From the start Ryokan Genetique Cat Hotel knows that cat boarding service must be transparent to ensure pet safety


Ryokan Genetique is one of the only cat hotel in Singapore that offers both cat hotel viewing and virtual tour. 


We realise the importance of cat boarding hotel safety and transparency. We want all cat owners get the best! Visit us now and make a booking!

Make your cat hotel booking here!





Number of accommodation:






Accommodation 1

Accommodation 2

Accommodation 3

Accommodation 4

Accommodation 5

Enter your details

Feeding Schedule

Please note that we can only feed at the below timing

Please provide the details of what and how much to feed, along with any special instructions (e.g., add a teaspoon of water, add supplement, etc.).

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You will pay for your stay at a later stage. The total price is  

There are no active payment gateways. Please activate at least one payment gateway in HBook settings (HBook > Payment).


Please double check your reservation details before clicking on "Book now".

